
Hi, I’m Lisa and I am a little bit brash and a whole lot bookish! My promise to you, my reader, is that I will always give you my 100% honest opinion of everything I read. I won’t buy into the mainstream opinion of what I should say, what is politically correct for me to say, or even, sometimes what you may want me to say. My reviews will always be completely authentic.

What they probably will not be, is too long of a review. In my opinion, too long of a book review, is much like me reading the book for you. I have read reviews that have really hyped up a book to where I’m all but shaking with anticipation to read it, only to read the book and discover that I learned nothing new because basically, the review that I read, already hit all of the high parts for me.

My goal is to cover a wide variety of books. Having said that, I like what I like, so while it may be my goal to cover multiple genres, most likely the majority of what you will see are reviews of mystery, thriller… especially psychological thrillers! A little non-fiction: some auto…and sure enough biographies, with maybe some true crime thrown in. I’ll probably wander over and take a little dip into the humorous genre pool, and maybe swim through a few general fiction dramas.

You may ask yourself, who is this Lisa chick? And why should I care what she has to say? My answer to that is… Well… I dunno.

I’m not your mom, so because-I-said-so really does not apply… and really I can’t tell you what to do. But what I can tell you is that I have been an avid reader all of my life and a writer for the last fifteen years, so I dooo have some sort of a background in the literary world and while I may not know everything (please… don’t tell my kids I admitted to that. I’ve got a really good thing going with them and I don’t want to blow it. They are dying for the chance to take away my super hero cape, I just know it!) I do know a thing or two about the essential elements of a good story, so maybe, just maybe, you might want to consider an extra opinion when you are choosing your next read.

Until next time, stay brash, stay bookish, stay true to you!

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