Must Watch Movies Based on Novels

I hate it when I’m nearing the ending of a book that I’m really into and I know that soon, it’s going to be time to break up with my book boyfriend, or with my best book gal pal.

How awesome is it being able to find the novel adapted for the Silver Screen? Or even better, find the movie available to stream from your own television set, giving you just a few more precious hours to spend with your heroes and maybe even some of your favorite villains.

Here are a couple of notable movies based on novels that you might like.

Where the Crawdads Sing

A coming-of-age murder mystery set in the marshes of North Carolina. This movie makes the list because of the awesome story.

I will admit, I almost gave up on this book about two thirds of the way through. I felt like the book kind of drug in the middle. Even the movie adaptation kind of left me with the same feeling, which is a little odd, usually they cut so much out of a novel for a movie that its super fast paced, but apparently not this one.

Having said that, I’m glad that I hung on and finished it! Where The Crawdads Sing is timeless. It’s guaranteed to get you right in the feels and stick with you for a long time to come.

To Kill a Mockingbird

This was the first classic that I had ever read. When I was younger, I stupidly had the attitude that if a book was a classic, that equaled we probably were supposed to read it in high school, which probably meant it was as boring as could be.

Luckily, one glorious day in Barnes and Noble, the mood struck me to broaden my literary horizons and I decided that I was going to give it a try. I was going read a classic. It just so happened that they had To Kill a Mockingbird on display and I thought, hmm… if people are honestly still buying this book, it must be decent.

Decent? Are you kidding me? This story was ahhh-mazing! Even the movie adaptation, although it’s older, is pretty great too.

The Godfather

Ok… I have to say this one started by a video game for me… Yes, Yes.. I am a Vidiot.

My husband was playing The Godfather video game on our Xbox, which isn’t my usual style of game, but as he would maneuver through this game, I found myself watching more and more.

Soon, I started to play along in what I like to call an advisory role. My husband on the other hand, likes to refer to it as the backseat driver role. In either case, this led to watching the movies, which of course then led to me having to seek out the novel. Maybe it was all a bit backwards, but definitely worth it in the end.

A Man Called Otto

This was my first Fredrik Backman Novel—Far different from anything I had ever read. I was so excited that they made it into a movie. For those of you who didn’t realize it, A Man Called Otto, starring Tom Hanks is based off the Novel, A Man Called Ove.

Otto is the metaphorical poster man for the “get off my lawn” guy. He’s a grump with a rather rough exterior, but underneath it all, the man has heart.

In a heartwarming, not-so-usual, story about love, Otto battles sadness over the death of his wife.

Not really wanting to live without the love of his life, Otto meets his new next-door neighbor and her family when they can’t seem to properly back up their Uhaul and soon Otto realizes, there are many types of family.


Nora Roberts has always been one of my favorite authors. Brazen Virtue, as the book version is called, was actually the first Nora Roberts book that I read, to which I proceeded to devour the prequel, Sacred Sins, three days later.

If you’re looking for something thrilling to watch, with a side of romance, I absolutely recommend the Netflix adaptation, Brazen starring Alyssa Milano, Sam Page and Matthew Finlan.

When a mystery writer in search of a little peace and quiet instead finds herself ensnared in the world of a real-life serial killer whose craving for murder stops at nothing . . . and no one.

She has so many fun reads under her belt, many of which have been adapted for film or tv.

The Help

The performances in this movie were so powerful. This is one of those rare times when I might have to argue with myself that I enjoyed the movie as much, if not more than the book.  An Academy Award Winner and Nominee of one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read, this is truly a tale that will stand the test of time. If you haven’t seen this movie or read this novel, go. Do it now. It is absolutely riveting!

Stand By Me

This movie was such a staple in my childhood. I remember watching it with my friends, thinking how dreamy we all thought River Phoenix was.

So naturally, I totally nerded out a few weekends ago and went to Brownsville, Or. to attend the Stand by Me Day. Yes…that’s a real thing.

On July 23rd every year they hold a festival complete with walking tours of the many filming locations, old trucks that were in the movie, parked alongside the barely changed streets of the town, and a blueberry pie eating contest. They even had some kids dressed up as Chris, Gordy, Vern and Teddy walking around selling raffle tickets.

For those of you who didn’t realize, Stand By Me was based on a novella by Stephen King with the title of, The Body.

These are just a few of my favorites. There are many other movies based on novels by Stephen King, Nicholas Sparks, John Grisham and a whole slew of seasoned, as well as up and coming authors.

And of course, let’s not forget the beloved Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling or The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins.

I hope you enjoyed reading this list as much as I enjoyed putting it together for you. Have a great rest of your week and remember to keep it brash, keep it bookish and keep true to your beautiful selves.

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