Invisible: A Book Review: A Page Turner with a Twist

I almost felt bad for doing another James Patterson Book Review. Almost.

This book is a little bit older; I think it was originally published in 2014 (man it seems ridiculous that that is almost 10 years ago!) but after reading this one, I wondered if maybe there were a few other people out there like me.

I honestly didn’t think I’d like James Patterson’s Invisible. I mean, sure, I downloaded it shortly after it came out. I’m a big fan of his Alex Cross series, and pretty much every other book he’s written, but something about this one just didn’t seem like it would be my cup of tea. So, there it sat in my Kindle Library begging to be read for nearly the last decade.

I’m not sure what finally nudged me to read it last night, but wow, was I glad I did. And yes, I said last night. I read Invisible in one sitting. And I’m not even ashamed to admit that.

Do you remember those old-school detective novels that you’d often find on your grandpa’s bookshelf? The books that would keep you glued to their pages from the very first sentence? Well, this is one such novel—except this one’s got a modern twist. This book’s got it all— suspense, thrills, and most importantly, heart.

The Plot

Invisible tells the story of Emmy Dockery, an FBI agent whose sister died in a house fire. Emmy, convinced that this wasn’t an accident but a murder, tries to convince her superiors to look into it. But when she’s ignored, she takes matters into her own hands, using her photographic memory to connect a string of seemingly unrelated fires across the country. While the plot is compelling enough on its own, what makes Invisible truly stand out is the characters.

Emmy is the kind of protagonist you root for from the first page. She’s flawed, sure she struggles with PTSD and there are times when she lets her obsession with the fires consume her—but she’s also fiercely determined and brave. And she would have to be, the odds are stacked against her, she gets resistance from her own boyfriend not to mention her boss, Julius Dickinson A.K.A. “The Dick”.

One aspect of the book that I really appreciated was Patterson’s prose. It’s simple yet effective, he knows just when to turn up the tension and when to let the emotions simmer. Some might say that it’s not high literature, but I’d argue that it’s just what this story needed.

The Structure

I think one of the things that sets Invisible apart from other mystery-thriller novels is its unique structure. James Patterson and David Ellis wrote this book in a sort of dual narrative, with one storyline following Emmy’s investigation, and the other recounting some unknown antagonist’s past. The latter is strategically placed throughout the book, giving you small clues as to the culprit’s identity, and leading up to an unpredictable ending.

Was it really though?

The short answer is yes… annnd no. I really hate to say too much because it is one of the things that will probably make this book most memorable for me and so in effect, possibly for you too.

Let’s just say, I flopped around more than a fish outta water. It was one of those, I kinda guessed where he was going with it, but then quickly dismissed the idea because I thought, nahhh… he wouldn’t do that. So, then I was on to the next idea of who the bad guy was and then that seemed way too easy. But, let me just tell ya. “Oh-yes-he-did.”

And, if you’re like me, you’ll finish reading the book and then want to pick up another one of his novels immediately… which is probably why you see his name pop up in my blog posts often.

I think Invisible is a must-read for anyone who loves an intense, fast-paced thriller. James Patterson has once again delivered an exceptional novel that combines engaging characters, a unique structure, and a suspenseful storyline. All of the ingredients that make a truly excellent thriller. So, if you’re looking for a book that will keep you entertained all evening, give Invisible a try. You won’t regret it!

…Well, unless you’re needing to get something done.

If you haven’t already grabbed your copy of Invisible, you can get it here on Amazon. Or get it for free when you sign up for a free trial from Audible.

Until next time, stay brash, stay bookish and stay true to you!

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