“Escape” by James Patterson and David Ellis is a jail break for your mind! This is the third installment in the Billy Harney series, and together, James Patterson and David Ellis, serve up their signature mix of fast-paced action and suspense on a silver platter.

However, don’t mistake this for another run-of-the-mill thriller; it’s much more than that. Patterson, being the master craftsman he is, manages to weave an intricate and unpredictable plot that keeps you guessing until the very end. If you’re a fan of sleep, be warned! This book’s relentless pace and nail-biting tension might keep you up way past your bedtime. The characters are vibrant, the setting is vivid, and the narrative is as smooth as a hot knife through butter. All in all, “Escape” is a journey filled with twists and turns, and it’s one that you, dear reader, will not want to miss if you liked the first two books in this series.

What’s it about?

The story opens with Billy Harney, a wise-cracking, decorated detective in the Chicago PD, and his partner, Carla Griffin racing against the clock trying to save a kidnapped girl. However, things go awry when they realize that this kidnapping is no ordinary one; it’s part of a larger conspiracy and soon, Billy and Carla find themselves in grave danger.

Not ones to back down from a challenge, their determination leads them to an abandoned farm house rigged with explosives. When his partner is injured in the blast, Billy is on the warpath. He is going to find these scumbags and make them pay.

But as Billy delves deeper into the investigation, he finds himself caught in a web of deceit and betrayal. Everyone seems to have a hidden agenda and secrets they are willing to kill for. With his own past coming back to haunt him, Billy has no choice but to rely on his wit and cunning to stay one step ahead of the game.

Between heart-racing action scenes and snappy dialogue, “Escape” takes you on one heck of a rollercoaster ride.

What did I think?

It’s no secret that I love James Patterson. His books are always a thrill ride and with his short chapters, you can easily get lost in the story without even realizing how much time has passed. But with “Escape,” I think maybe he has outdone himself. It is a story that won’t leave you disappointed.

From start to finish, “Escape” keeps you on the edge of your seat, constantly wondering what will happen next. And just when you think you have it all figured out, Patterson throws in another twist that drops your jaw just a little bit more with each turn of the page.

I know I’ve probably said it before, and I am sure I will probably say it again, but this book, just may be in the top five of my favorite James Patterson books. In fact, the entire series is one of my favorites.

If you are looking for a good read, you just might want to give this a try. You can grab your copy here on Amazon. Or get one for free when you sign up for a free trial from Audible.

Until next time , happy reading! …Oh and don’t forget to let me know what you think of “Escape” in the comments below. Let’s start a discussion on this thrilling read! And if you have any other recommendations for suspenseful novels, I am all ears. Until then, I’ll be eagerly awaiting Patterson’s next masterpiece.

Stay brash, stay bookish and stay true to you!

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