So, you want to embark on the journey of writing, huh? Well, get ready, because you’re about to step into the ring with a ferocious bear of creativity.

At first, it may seem like an exhilarating adventure, but soon you’ll realize the wild challenge that lies ahead. But fear not, dear writer! We’re here to lend a helping hand in taming that bear (or at least ensuring you don’t get mauled in the process).

So, grab yourself a piping hot cup of coffee, tea or whatever your thing may be, find your coziest writing nook, and let’s dive into a captivating list of books that every aspiring writer should have on their bookshelf.

These literary gems will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to not only wrestle that bear of a story to the ground but to masterfully pin it down with finesse. Get ready to be enlightened, inspired, and transformed as you delve into the pages of these invaluable literary companions.

The Elements of Style

If brevity is the soul of wit, then “The Elements of Style” by Strunk and White is the life of the party! This little book packs a hefty punch, serving up grammar and style pointers with the precision of a seasoned bartender pouring a perfect cocktail. Within its pages, you’ll find no-nonsense rules that will transform your writing from a backstreet brawler into a heavyweight champion. Consider it your personal trainer for punching up prose, without any of the sweat or post-workout aches. Trust me, this is one book you’ll want in your corner.

If You Can Talk, You Can Write

Now, if “The Elements of Style” is your personal prose trainer, then Joel Saltzman’s “If You Can Talk, You Can Write” is your chatty buddy at the gym, full of sage advice and plenty of laughs. This book is brimming with the kind of down-to-earth wisdom that makes you chuckle, nod in agreement, and—most importantly—grab a pen and start writing. It’s all about debunking the myth that writing is a mystical, elusive craft only few can master. Saltzman says, “Nonsense! You speak in sentences, don’t you?” So, if you can order a cheeseburger, you can surely pen a page. Yum to that, I say!

Outlining Your Novel

Then there’s K.M. Weiland’s “Outlining Your Novel: Map Your Way to Success,” which is like your trusty GPS on a cross-country trip through the wilds of storytelling. Weiland doesn’t just give you a compass and wish you luck—no, she hands you a fully detailed map, a stocked cooler, and even a roadside-diner playlist to keep you pumped. In this book, you’ll find practical, step-by-step strategies to sketch out your novel’s skeleton, fill in the flesh, and then stitch on the skin. It’s a bit of mad science meets road trip excitement, and the end result is your very own Franken-novel, stitched together with love, care, and a whole lot of creative juices. If you’ve ever stared at a blank page and wished for a roadmap, Weiland’s your gal. Buckle up, it’s going to be one heck of a ride! There is also a pretty cool workbook that you can get too!

On Writing

And now, ladies and gents, bow to the King! Enter “On Writing” by the horror maestro himself, Stephen King. Imagine having a cup of coffee with King, while he spills the beans on his writing journey and shares a trick or two. Sounds fascinating, doesn’t it? Well, that’s what this book feels like. It’s part memoir, part masterclass, serving up anecdotes and insights with King’s signature wit and wisdom. He pulls back the curtain on the craft, revealing how he conjured up some of his most bone-chilling tales. So grab your copy, and get ready to see just what makes King, well…King. Laugh, learn, and be inspired!

Writing the Breakout Novel

Donald Maass, a literary agent turned author, who knows a thing or two about catching a publisher’s eye. His book, “Writing the Breakout Novel” is like having the ultimate insider spill the industry tea. It’s a rich blend of practical advice and professional secrets, all aimed at helping you turn that manuscript into a page-turner that readers can’t put down. Maass breaks down the elements of standout novels, shows you how to pump up your plot, and even gives you the lowdown on crafting characters that readers will love (or love to hate). This book isn’t just a guide, folks, it’s a ticket to Breakoutville. All aboard!

Story Engineering

Story Engineering by Larry Brooks. Thinking about story structure might seem as exciting as watching paint dry, but hold on to your horses! Brooks turns it into a roller coaster ride. His book is like a blueprint, a tour guide, and a toolbox all rolled into one. You’ll explore the Six Core Competencies of successful storytelling – concept, character, theme, structure, scene execution, and writing voice. It’s like Brooks hands you the building blocks, the cement, and even a hard hat, then says, “Go build a skyscraper!” With his insights, you can turn that pile of bricks (your manuscript) into a storytelling marvel. “Story Engineering” is not just another writing book – it’s a master architect’s plan for constructing tales that truly stand tall. So, strap in and start building!

If you haven’t already, you can get any of these books here on Amazon or you can get one for free when you sign up for a free trial from Audible.

Until next time, stay brash, stay bookish and most definitely, stay true to you!

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