Okay.. I have complicated thoughts on this one. Ask for Andrea is touted as a Psychological Thriller, but honestly, the killer is the only psychological thing in the book, and really, he is just more psycho than logical.

I didn’t plan to read it, I swear. It just sort of happened.

I had seen it a million times in the bookstores and passed on it a million times. For some reason it just didn’t look that appealing. I don’t know if it was the cover, the back jacket of the book, or the title. Whatever it was, it just wasn’t doing it for me.

Until it did. Apparently, if you see something a million and one times… things change? At least it did for me because suddenly, as my finger hovered above the download button on my kindle, my brain screamed, “Let’s do this!

Before I knew it, or apparently before the shame from still sitting around in my jammies could set in, morning had passed into afternoon, and I was 56% of the way through the book.

Being no quitter, I figured, screw it— a day off it is! I propped my slipper clad feet up a little higher on the coffee table and proceeded to devour the other 44% of the book.

Again, was this the best book I ever read? No. There weren’t even any twists and turns to speak of, and that is usually the number one thing I look for. And the ending? It was almost painfully obvious. However, Ask for Andrea got me right in the feels. I was completely invested in this book, and even more so than normal, I found myself really rooting for the characters, wanting them to succeed with every fiber of my being.

Annndd.. I did read it start to finish in less than a day, and that kind of speaks volumes.

Meet Meghan, Skye and Brecia

Each with her own ghostly tale to tell. It’s like a supernatural slumber party, but with a deadly serious mission.

In a whimsical twist of fate, these three young girls meet in the afterlife, united by a common tragedy: they were all victims of the same man, in three different states, across different periods of time. Now, as ghosts, they embark on a spectral quest for closure and justice, determined to stop the killer from striking again before it’s too late.

Ihli’s storytelling prowess shines in “Ask for Andrea,” a supernatural thriller that will grip you tighter than a ghostly embrace. From the first page to the last, this book will keep you intrigued. It’s the kind of story that makes you cancel all your plans and settle in for a marathon reading session—clearly— because you simply must know what happens next.

The plot really isn’t that unpredictable, and like I said, there really aren’t many twists and turns to keep you guessing until the end. But you will find yourself rooting for the characters, hoping against hope that they’ll find the closure they seek. It’s kind of like watching a ghostly game of Clue, except the stakes are life and death.

And it’s not even just the plot that keeps you hooked—Ihli’s attention to detail is downright haunting. Every page is packed with engrossing descriptions and vivid imagery that transport you straight into the heart of the story. It’s like you’re right there with the ghosts, haunting the halls and unraveling the mystery alongside them.

The author takes the concept of supernatural powers and turns it up to eleven, crafting a truly unique and inventive world. These aren’t your typical bedsheet-clad specters – they’re determined spirits with a mission, and they’ll stop at nothing to see it through.

Still on the fence about Ask for Andrea?

If you’re on the fence about this one, I say come over to the dark side and give it a read.

If you still need to get your copy, you can grab it here on Amazon. Or get it for free when you sign up for a free trial from Audible. It is also available right now for free on Kindle Unlimited.

Until next time you silly rabbits, keep it brash, keep it bookish and keep it true to you!

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