Accept It! You Have Anxiety: Your Guide to Overcoming this Bullsh*t

I have something a little different to share. This post is actually a shameless plug for my own book. But considering it’s Mental Health Awareness Week, I think it’s fitting. As the world continues to face its challenges, taking care of our mental health is more important than ever. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 43.8 million adults experience some form of mental health issue each year. Anxiety disorders are the most common concern in the United States, affecting over 19.1% of adults and approximately 7% of children aged 3-17.

So, if you or someone you love is grappling with the beast we call anxiety, you might find this book to be a helpful companion.

My new book, “Accept It! You Have Anxiety: Your Guide to Overcoming This Bullsh*t!” is the ultimate self-help book for anyone suffering from anxiety. Whether you’re a student drowning in exam stress, a parent juggling a million responsibilities, or simply someone who feels like anxiety has taken up permanent residence in your brain, this book is your salvation.

This self-help book is not your typical run-of-the-mill, cookie-cutter guide. It is a raw, unfiltered account of my own battle with anxiety and the proven tips and tricks that have brought me back from the brink of despair time and time again. So, grab your metaphorical boxing gloves and get ready to knock anxiety out of the ring.

Inside these digital pages, is a treasure trove of practical advice that goes beyond the stale clichés and empty promises. We’ll start by ripping off the mask of anxiety and confronting it head-on. No more sweeping it under the rug or pretending it doesn’t exist. It’s time to accept the hand we’ve been dealt and turn it into a winning hand.

Now, let’s get real for a moment. It’s easy for self-help books to feel like a pile of cheesy, unrealistic crap. But fear not, my anxious amigos, “Accept It! You Have Anxiety: Your Guide to Overcoming This Bullsh*t!” is different. It’s gritty, it’s authentic, and it’s filled to the brim with my own personal anecdotes, because let’s be honest, life’s a lot easier to swallow when it comes with a dash of humor.

I’ll level with you. Overcoming anxiety isn’t a walk in the park. It’s a battle, a struggle, and it takes hard work and determination. However, this guide will hand you the weapons you need to fight back. With each turn of the page, you’ll gain the knowledge, the tools, and the resilience to take control of your anxiety, rather than letting it control you.

So, my fellow anxiety warriors, are you ready to accept the truth and reclaim your life from the clutches of anxiety? Are you ready to kick anxiety’s sorry behind and show it who’s boss? If the answer is YES! Then grab your copy of “Accept It! You Have Anxiety: Your Guide to Overcoming This Bullsh*t!” and let’s embark on this life-changing journey together.

As a thank-you for letting me hijack this weeks blog post, I have included the first chapter of the book. I hope you enjoy it and if you are struggling, I hope it brings you some form of comfort!

Chapter 1: Anxiety Unleashed

Unpacking what anxiety is and how it impacts your life. It’s like opening Pandoras Box, but with more panic.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is best described as a heightened state of mental unease or dread that usually comes from within. It may be caused by some external factor, such as an impending deadline at work, or it may simply arise seemingly out of the blue without any obvious cause.

Basically, if you’ve ever felt like a squirrel in the middle of a four-lane highway, then you’ve got a pretty good idea of what anxiety can feel like. It’s that jittery, heart-racing sensation that happens when your brain decides to have a spontaneous party at 3am, going over all possible worst-case scenarios. Like having a nagging backseat driver who refuses to read maps, yet still has a lot to say about your life’s directions.

Anxiety is often accompanied by physical symptoms. This psychological condition, typically marked by intense and persistent feelings of worry, fear, or nervousness, goes beyond normal stress reactions and can significantly impair daily functioning. It’s noteworthy that anxiety is not just an emotional response, but also involves behavioral and cognitive aspects. Its manifestation can range from mild uneasiness to severe panic, with symptoms varying from person to person.

One of my favorite quotes, and I don’t know where the quote actually originated, but it’s

If you don’t pick a day to relax, your body will pick it for you.

This is such a good reminder. You can’t let your anxiety think it is in charge. You can’t let it win. If it helps, think of your anxiety as its own entity, like the little green goblin on the Mucinex commercials. One that lives deep inside your psyche and has taken up residence on its little disgusting couch and right there on its TV screen, is your life.

Side note…You can dress your little goblin any way you see fit. Wife beater and Pj’s? No problem. Frayed pink robe, floppy slippers and hair curlers? Totally up to you, ( I mean afterall, it is your goblin.)

Your goblin just sits there, day in and day out, munching its popcorn, with its eyes fixed firmly on you. Every move you make is being carefully observed, as it patiently awaits the perfect moment to seize the reins and take control of your life. Its presence is a constant reminder of the lurking power it holds, ready to make its move when you least expect it.

Now let’s give the goblin a name. I know…. That probably sounds a little stupid, but bear with me. What name says, “I am a total pain in the ass,” to you? Is it Bertha? Harvey? Karen? Whatever it is, that is the name I want you to give your goblin.

When it comes to combating something, it’s often easier to face a tangible foe, something with a clear name and form. Unfortunately, Anxiety is not as easily defined, but it is still an opponent that creeps into our minds and hearts, causing worry and distress, so it is a battle that we must fight. With determination and resilience, we can overcome its grip and find peace within ourselves.

The Effects of Anxiety on Your Relationships, Work and Your Personal Life

Anxiety doesn’t discriminate. It’s an equal opportunity offender that can cause physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. Fearful thoughts keep your mind on high alert, while the feelings of panic make it almost impossible to think straight, having a huge impact on our daily lives—from our relationships to our physical and mental health.

When anxiety decides to strike, it can make you feel like your life is spiraling out of control as it takes its toll on relationships, our work and our personal lives. You become too ashamed to talk about it or too uncomfortable to let anyone in, leaving friends and family and co-workers feeling frustrated.

In your relationships— anxiety is like the clingy companion that crashes your relationship like a third wheel. It loves meddling in personal dynamics, sparking misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts. You’ll worry endlessly about your relationship’s state, obsess over minor issues, and fear the worst outcomes. All this tension and emotional distance make relationships more stressful than a crossword puzzle.

At work— anxiety plays the villain, sabotaging productivity and performance. Concentration becomes a distant memory, decision-making feels like navigating a labyrinth, and overwhelm becomes your middle name. Missed deadlines, shoddy work, and strained relationships with colleagues or bosses are just a few of the perks.

In your personal life— anxiety’s a happiness thief, snatching tranquility and the ability to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Sleep problems, appetite changes, and a constant state of tension become your closest pals, impacting overall well-being.

Overcoming anxiety isn’t just about feeling better – it’s about living like a boss and reclaiming the joy that anxiety has stolen from you.

Though there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to tackling anxiety, being more mindful of our thoughts and emotions can help us take back ownership over them.

Get your copy now on Amazon!

Until next time, stay brash, stay bookish and stay true to you!

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