Unveiling the Dark: A Review of Dylan Page’s Torment Series

I feel like I better start by saying, read the trigger warnings on the Torment series before you dive in. I’m not entirely sure which direction the moral compass is pointing. This was the first time that I really debated on whether a review of a certain book would be appropriate. Buuut… let’s face it. This is BRASH and Bookish and I’ve never really been PC anyway, so why would I start now?

Having said that… I couldn’t stop reading. Author Dylan Page navigates readers through the eerie corridors of the human psyche. The “Torment” series stands as a testament to the adage that truth is often stranger – and definitely more unnerving – than fiction. It also makes you realize just how far someone may be willing to go for those that they love.

Book lovers who relish spine-chilling narratives and thrill seekers who revel in the unspoken depths of the human heart have found a new haven in Page’s masterful storytelling. Prepare to journey through the riveting world of “Torment” and discover what lies beneath the shadows.

I will say, tales from the “Torment” series are not for the faint of heart. They envelope you with an intoxicating blend of mystery, deceit, and raw human emotion. This was my first MC novel, and I honestly don’t know much about that lifestyle, but the author painted a graphic enough picture for me to know that I will be keeping my pansy ass on the other side of the street if I see a club riding into town.

A Quick Glance

The Torment books are books 1 and 2 of the Bleeding Heart Series. Book one really set the stage for the chaos that ensues. The storylines are tightly woven. Each page is pregnant with suspense, beckoning you to turn the page even as it tightens its grip. Characters are not mere conduits for the narrative but conduits for the deep explorations of human pain, secrets, and the irrevocable longing for truth. Page weaves an intricate web of past and present, of mental anguish and visceral desire, offering readers a narrative that is as intellectually stimulating as it is emotionally jarring—and boy is it jarring!

One of the most compelling elements of Page’s series is the meticulous attention to character development. Protagonists and antagonists alike are imbued with a profound sense of humanity and their evolution throughout each installment is nothing short of a literary narrative.

The central characters, Mina and Shay are flawed in ways that make them painfully relatable. Shay’s past traumas fuel his relentless pursuit for sanity, to the brink of moral compromise. While, Mina’s co-dependance is a heart wrenching blessing and curse to them both.

In the relentless dance between Mina and Shay lies a simmering tension, unspoken yet palpable, which adds an extra layer of complexity to the already dense narrative. As they navigate a world marred by unspeakable horrors, their internal struggles become as pronounced as the external conflicts, captivating readers by their very human vulnerabilities.

Themes, Moods, Plot, Pacing and All That Good Stuff

These first two books in the Bleeding Heart series is an odyssey through themes of redemption, culpability, and torment. Each novel explores the concept of personal hell, whether it be a geographic location or the cell of one’s mind. The mood of the series is often as dark as the themes it explores, yet there exists a quality of ethereal beauty in Page’s prose that makes even the most dismal of settings a spectacle to behold.

I think the pacing is absolutely perfect. Each chapter is a complex puzzle with pieces that satisfyingly click into place by the final chapter. There’s an art in knowing when to accelerate and when to stave off. Page demonstrates a remarkable intuition for this art, keeping readers on the edge of their seats for the duration of the series.

Dylan Page is a master of mood and prose. An absolute virtuoso in the art of unsettling her audience without resorting to cheap thrills. Her commitment to crafting a story that is as intelligent as it is chilling sets her apart in a genre that often prioritizes the latter at the expense of the former.

The “Torment” series is a love letter to the human spirit, in all its fragile and formidable essence. It’s a saga that beckons readers to question the unspoken terrors that haunt their own minds, making Dylan Page’s literature not just a medium for entertainment, but a catalyst for personal introspection.

My Conclusion? A Must-Read for Thriller Enthusiasts

As you reluctantly turn the final page of the “Torment” series, a whirlwind of emotions will undoubtedly surge within you. But one sentiment will rise above all others—the need for more. Page has constructed a world that invites revisitation, where subsequent readings unveil new insights and previously unsung horrors.

The “Torment” series stands as a triumph of literary creation. It’s an intricate web of secrets that will keep readers yearning for more, craving the thrill of the unknown and the revelation of the concealed. Embrace the darkness and allow Dylan Page to illuminate the recesses of your own torment.

If you still need to grab your copy you can get it here on Amazon. Read it for free on Kindle Unlimited. or get a copy for free when you sign up for a free trial from Audible.

As always my tormented lovelies, keep it brash, keep it bookish and keep true to you! Happy Valentines Day!

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