A Page-Turning Thriller: Look For Me: A Book Review

Are you looking for a book that will give you the chills and keep you on the edge of your seat? Lisa Gardner’s “Look for Me” is exactly the kind of thriller that will make you stay up late into the night. After all, who needs sleep when there’s a mystery to solve?

As someone who’s read more crime novels than I’m willing to admit, I was excited to delve into this latest installment of the Detective D.D. Warren and Flora Dane Series. And I have to say, I wasn’t really disappointed. The plot was intense, the characters, complex. The twists and turns? They kept me guessing until nearly the end.

Now don’t get me wrong. I was engaged the entire way through. I don’t know if I just got a little lucky that I happened to guess who the killer was. Or if maybe I’m a little full of myself and that was the author’s intent all along. Either way, it was one that kinda gets you in the feels, and that, I like.

Let’s start with the basics

“Look For Me” is a thriller novel written by the talented Lisa Gardner that follows Sergeant Detective D.D. Warren as she investigates the murder of an entire family. However, things get even more complicated when the teenage daughter of the family, Roxy, goes missing, and all of the evidence points towards her being responsible for the crime. As you can imagine, the stakes are high, the twists are plenty, and the suspense is palpable.

As Warren delves deeper into the case, she realizes that there’s more to it than meets the eye. Roxy’s past is a tangled web of abuse, neglect, and trauma. And as the search for Roxy continues, the lines between victim and perpetrator blur.

One of the things that stood out to me in this book was the character development. Gardner manages to create characters that feel like real people with their own sets of flaws and quirks. D.D. Warren is a great example of this. She is a badass detective who doesn’t take any crap from anyone. She’s tough, smart, and has a biting sense of humor that had me laughing out loud at times. But she’s also a mom and a wife and the author balances those two worlds perfectly.

Roxy is also a fascinating character, with a troubled past and a complex personality that keeps you on your toes. The background of the murders and Roxy’s past is a heartbreaking exploration of what happens when people slip through the cracks of society. It’s a stark reminder of the importance of empathy, compassion, and understanding.

My thoughts overall?

This really was a smooth read. At no point did I feel like the story was dragging or that things were moving too quickly. Each chapter left me wanting more, and I found myself staying up way too late each night just to see what would happen next. The plot is intricate, and Gardner’s writing style is engaging, making it an easy book to get lost in.

If you’re in the mood for a fast-paced, suspenseful read that’ll keep you on the edge of your seat, then “Look For Me” will be right up your alley. This is an exploration of human nature that will leave you thinking long after you turn the final page.. So go ahead, grab yourself a copy, and get lost in the story. Just be warned, you might forget to eat.

If you still need to grab your copy, you can get it here on Amazon. Or get one for free when you sign up for a free trial from Audible.

Until next time, stay brash, stay bookish and stay true to you!

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