Where Are the Children Now? A Book Review

Where Are the Children was the first book by Mary Higgins Clark that I read, and instantly, I was hooked. I went on a huge spree and powered through at least ten of her books before I came up for air and even considered the notion of reading something else. So needless to say, I was super excited when Where Are the Children, Now? Came out.

 …only to be mildly disappointed.

Overall, the story was good.

This book follows the story of Michael and Melissa when they were older—well technically this one follows Melissa a little more than Michael.

Recently married, Melissa’s new stepdaughter, Riley goes missing on her watch. Fighting her demons from the past surrounding her own abduction, Melissa realizes that the police think she may have been involved in Riley’s disappearance. Trying to prove her innocence and rescue her stepdaughter, Melissa uncovers some disturbing truths surrounding the tragic death of her new husbands first wife. Can she save Riley in time? What about her marriage? Can that be saved?

Like I said, the storyline was good. I didn’t see the twist at the end coming.

The writing on the other hand?

…Not so much.

There was one part of the story where I think the writer got confused and used the wrong name of the character they were talking to. Either that, or the paragraph just really didn’t make sense.

I went back and re-read the paragraph three separate times trying to force it to make sense, going back a few pages more each time, thinking that if I had a bigger lead into it, it would surely make sense then. It didn’t.  Why the Editorial Staff didn’t catch it is beyond me.

Aside from that one mistake, the writing just felt kind of weak. I know it was written, at least in part, by a different author since MHC has passed away, God rest her soul. But if I’m being honest—and this is probably the where the “Brash” of the Brash and Bookish comes in— Mary Higgins Clark’s later writings got a little weak too.

Did I really just say that?

*Gasp* about the undisputed Queen of Suspense?

 … I did.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Mary Higgins Clark. And not to dispute the undisputed, the storyline of her books, I have always enjoyed. But as the books went on, the writing kind of lost its umph. For lack of a better term, it felt…cheesy.

I know, I know, who am I to say such a thing? But I promised from the beginning that I would always give you my honest opinion… and well… here we are.

As always, If you haven’t had a chance to read this one, you can grab it here on Amazon. Or get it for free when you sign up for a free trial from Audible.

Until next time my peeps, stay brash, stay bookish and what was that other thing I always say… hmmm.. oh yeah.. most importantly, stay true to you!

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